Sunday, 9 March 2008

Analyse your date's iPod

If only you could see that playlist, you would know so much about him, about how compatible you are and gain insights that could otherwise take months of stalking to get. While it has long been said that the eyes are the window to the soul, in this day and age, it may well be the screen of the ubiquitous iPod or any other MP3 player. It can reveal one's past, personality and even whether they are ready for a relationship, or still getting over one. That little screen is the best window to the soul one could ask for, and those who have one carry it around in full view of the world. Gold Coast real estate agent Brinton Keith, 31, has had an iPod for three years and listens to it when out on his speedboat and at the gym. With "anything and everything" among his 7000 songs, he says the ones he plays most reflect his teenage years in the 1980s and 90s in Echuca on the Murray River in Victoria.

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