Sunday 13 April 2008

Things To Consider When Buying An Mp3 Player

April 10, 2008 - There are so many MP3 players on the market these days that buying one can easily be confusing. Before you buy, think how you want to use it. Do you want to take it jogging, or will it primarily be used in the home or when travelling. Will it be on for a long time or only short bursts? If jogging you will want one that is small and light enough to fit in your pocket. A flash-based player can be as small as a pack of gum.
If you want it for using at home, you might like a bigger model, or one that holds lots of music. While a small capacity can be overcome by storing music on removable flashcards, they are easy to lose and you do have to carry them around if you want to use them.
MP3 players that are hard-drive based go through batteries quickly. 14 hours is about the limit, but playing videos drains them faster than that. Also, if you intend to view videos you need to have one with a really fast interface. Another consideration is the size of the LCD screen. A larger one makes it a great deal easier to find and organize your stored music. And listening to the MP3 in the store before you buy is a really good idea.

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